home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ;;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- ;;+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +
- ;;+ + + +
- ;;+ + Here starts the receive section of the H221 state machine + +
- ;;+ + + +
- ;;+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +
- ;;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- list ; receive state machine
- ;;***********************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* Bit Field State 0 : This state is used when searching for *
- ;;* frame alignment either for the first time or when frame *
- ;;* alignment has been lost. As the data is being fed into *
- ;;* a0 MSB the frame alignment data will take the following *
- ;;* format : *
- ;;* *
- ;;* | a0 | *
- ;;* -----> 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;* The 7 MSB bits represent the correct frame alignment *
- ;;* sequence, i.e in hex 'd' and '8' for positive logic *
- ;;* and '2' and '6' for negative logic. *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 1/10/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;* *
- ;;***********************************************************************
- bf_state_0 move #control_word,r2 ; control word ptr in r2
- move x:ir,a ; latest receive byte in a1
- bfclr #$ff00,x:(r2) ; disable the receive CRC
- ; clear frame and multiframe
- ; alignment bits
- ; reset terminal alarm
- ; reset odd/even frame receive
- ; reset crc error
- ; enable rx
- move a0,x:isdn_count_rx ; reset isdn receive count
- move a0,x:crc_enable_cnt ; crc enable & disable counts
- move a0,x:crc_disable_cnt
- move a0,x:mf_error_count ; reset multiframe error count
- move a0,x:faw_error_count ; reset frame error count
- move x:bas_faw_0,a0 ; read next apps channel bit
- asr a ; into previous word before test
- move a0,x:bas_faw_0 ; for frame alignment
- bftsth #$d800,a0 ; test frame alignment high bits
- bcc <end_bf_0
- bftstl #$2600,a0 ; and low bits
- bcc <end_bf_0
- move #bf_state_1,r0 ; if faw word is detected
- ; prepare next state
- movei #7,x0 ; set isdn receive count to 7
- move x0,x:isdn_count_rx
- end_bf_0 rts
- ;;***********************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* Bit field state 1 : Once the initial frame alignment *
- ;;* has been achieved this routine is used to verify this *
- ;;* alignment, to store the BAS error correcting code and. *
- ;;* the first bit of the multiframe alignment word. *
- ;;* For correct frame alignment bit 2 of the current H221 *
- ;;* word must be set *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 1/10/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;***********************************************************************
- bf_state_1 move x:ir,a ; continue reading AC data into
- move x:erc_faw_0,a0 ; erc_faw word until count
- asr a ; indicates completion
- move a0,x:erc_faw_0
- move x:isdn_count_rx,b ; compare receive byte count
- move #95,x0 ; with 95 to ensure all 16 bits
- cmp x0,b ; of erc_faw_0 data are present
- blt <end_bf_1
- move #bf_state_0,r0 ; default, frame alignment not
- ; verified start search again
- bftsth #$0002,a0 ; test bit 2 of new faw to check
- bcc <end_bf_1 ; for frame alignment
- move a0,b ; move a0 into b for right shift
- asr b ; read first bit of mf alignment
- move b0,x:mf_align_wrd ; test word into its storage
- move #bf_state_2,r0 ; next state of state machine
- ; is prepared
- end_bf_1 rts
- ;;***********************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* Bit field state 2 : This routine is used to finally *
- ;;* verify the correct reception of the frame alignment *
- ;;* word. The alignment test is the same as that used in *
- ;;* bf_state_1 *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 1/10/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;***********************************************************************
- bf_state_2 move x:ir,a ; keep reading AC data until
- move x:bas_faw_0,a0 ; receive byte count indicates
- asr a ; completion
- move a0,x:bas_faw_0
- move x:isdn_count_rx,b ; compare receive byte count
- move #175,x0 ; with 175 to ensure all 16 bits
- cmp x0,b ; of bas_faw_0 data are present
- blt <end_bf_2
- move #bf_state_0,r0 ; default, frame alignment not
- move #control_word,r3 ; verified then start search
- ; again
- bftsth #$00d8,a0 ; check for reception of new
- bcc <end_bf_2 ; alignment word.
- ; control word pointer in r3
- bftstl #$0026,a0
- bcc <end_bf_2
- ; correct faw received then
- bfset #$2000,x:(r3) ; set appropriate bit in
- ; control word
- move #bf_state_3,r0
- end_bf_2 rts
- ;;***********************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* Bit field state 3 routine : This routine is the last in *
- ;;* the bit field test subroutines. It is used to validate *
- ;;* the multiframe alignment word as a final synchronisation *
- ;;* check for the H.221 protocol. *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 1/10/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;***********************************************************************
- bf_state_3 move #rx_count_0,x1 ; memory store of mf alignment
- move x1,x:rx_count_ptr ; odd frame counts. first word
- state_3a move x:rx_count_ptr,r2
- move #bf_state_0,r0 ; default next state
- move x:isdn_count_rx,a ; check complete multiframe has
- move #1279,x0 ; passed. yes, then no mf
- cmp x0,a x:(r2+1),x0 ; alignment in this position ==>
- bge <end_bf_3 ; begin frame alignment search
- ; again.
- move #state_3a,r0 ; new next state
- ; compare isdn count with mf
- cmp x0,a ; bit position count, different
- bne <end_bf_3 ; then end state
- move x:ir,a
- move x:mf_align_wrd,a0 ; move next bit of multiframe
- asr a x:(r2)+,x0 ; alignment to store and update
- move a0,x:mf_align_wrd ; reference count pointer
- bftsth #$d000,a0 ; test correct bit format for
- bcc <end_bf_3 ; multiframe alignment
- bftstl #$2c00,a0
- bcc <end_bf_3
- move #smf_state_0,r0 ; new submultiframe state
- move #control_word,r3 ; control word pointer in r3
- move #first_rx,r2 ; set up ref. count for H221
- ; first pass
- bfset #$4000,x:(r3) ; set multiframe alignment
- ; flag in control word
- move #880,x0 ; multiframe word successfully
- move x0,x:isdn_count_rx ; detected, reset receive count
- ; to correct value
- move #bas_erc_faw,x0 ; set up initial ISDN receive
- move x0,x:bas_erc_faw_ptr ; word pointer
- end_bf_3 move r2,x:rx_count_ptr
- rts
- list
- ;;***********************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* Submultiframe processing routine even : This routine is *
- ;;* used as a common starting point for every even *
- ;;* frame. For the initial frame 0 the routine re_initialises *
- ;;* the pointers and counts for the current multiframe. *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 3/9/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;***********************************************************************
- smf_state_0 move x:isdn_count_rx,b ; test for end of previous
- tst b ; multiframe, if not then
- bne <smf_state_even ; end
- move #bas_erc_faw_ptr,r3 ; state pointer memory storage
- move #bas_erc_faw,x1 ; memory storage required for
- move #rx_count,x0 ;
- ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- ;
- move x1,x:(r3)+ ; decoded_bas_ptr ds 1
- move x0,x:(r3) ; bas_erc_faw_ptr ds 1
- ; rx_count_ptr ds 1
- ;
- ; and ;
- ;
- ; decoded_bas ds 8
- ; bas_erc_faw ds 16
- ;
- ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- smf_state_even move x:rx_count_ptr,r2 ; restore pointers
- move x:bas_erc_faw_ptr,r3
- move x:ir,a ; read new isdn data
- move x:(r3),a0 ; H221 bit into a0 msb
- asr a x:(r2)+n2,x0 ; and the current even frame
- ; H221 end count
- cmp x0,b a0,x:(r3)+n3 ; compare count with preset
- blt <end_state_even ; value & finish if not complete
- ; and save new bas/erc/faw word
- move #control_word,r2 ; control word ptr in r2
- move #mf_count_state,r0 ; new next state
- bfclr #$1000,x:(r2) ; clear even smf bit in control
- ; word
- end_state_even rts
- ;;***********************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* Multiframe count state : This routine uses the H221 data *
- ;;* acquired during the last submultiframe even routine to *
- ;;* provide the latest multiframe count stored in bit 1 of *
- ;;* frames 0, 2, 4, 6, and bit 1 of frame 8 to indicate *
- ;;* whether multiframe counting is turned on or off. *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 3/9/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;***********************************************************************
- mf_count_state move x:bas_erc_faw_ptr,r3 ; restore pointers
- move #bas_sort_state,r0 ; next state
- move x:(r3),a ; current H221 word pointer
- move x:mf_count_rx,a0 ; move latest multiframe count
- asr a ; bit into storage word
- move a0,x:mf_count_rx
- rts
- ;;***********************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* Bit-rate Allocation Signal sort routine : This routine uses *
- ;;* the H221 data acquired during the last even state to sort the *
- ;;* BAS code for storage. The position of the bits are ; *
- ;;* *
- ;;* msb <-------------------- a0 -------------------> *
- ;;* *
- ;;* b b b b b b b b f f f f f f f m *
- ;;* a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a f *
- ;;* s s s s s s s s w w w w w w w *
- ;;* c *
- ;;* b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b o *
- ;;* i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i u *
- ;;* t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t n *
- ;;* t *
- ;;* 7 6 4 5 1 2 3 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 # *
- ;;* *
- ;;* # == count bits for frames 0,2,4,6 *
- ;;* count enable bit frame 8 *
- ;;* *
- ;;* The position of the BAS bits after state execution will be : *
- ;;* *
- ;;* <--------- Bas Storage ---------> *
- ;;* *
- ;;* b b b b b b b b *
- ;;* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a a a a a a a *
- ;;* s s s s s s s s *
- ;;* *
- ;;* 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 3/9/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;***********************************************************************
- bas_sort_state move x:bas_erc_faw_ptr,r3
- move x:decoded_bas_ptr,r2 ; restore pointers
- clr a x:(r3)+,x0
- bftsth #$8000,x0 ; bas bit 7 test
- rol a ; rotate carry into a1 lsb
- bftsth #$4000,x0 ; bas bit 6 test
- rol a ; rotate carry into a1 lsb
- bftsth #$1000,x0 ; bas bit 5 test
- rol a ; rotate carry into a1 lsb
- bftsth #$2000,x0 ; bas bit 4 test
- rol a ; rotate carry into a1 lsb
- bftsth #$0200,x0 ; bas bit 3 test
- rol a ; rotate carry into a1 lsb
- bftsth #$0400,x0 ; bas bit 2 test
- rol a ; rotate carry into a1 lsb
- bftsth #$0800,x0 ; bas bit 1 test
- rol a ; rotate carry into a1 lsb
- bftsth #$0100,x0 ; bas bit 0 test
- rol a ; rotate carry into a1 lsb
- move a1,x:(r2) ; store rearranged bas data
- move #bas_for_erc,r0
- rts
- ;;***********************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* BAS for ERC sort routine : This routine uses the *
- ;;* H221 data acquired during the last even state to sort the *
- ;;* BAS code for subsequent error correction using the double *
- ;;* error-correcting code. The position of the bits are ; *
- ;;* *
- ;;* msb <-------------------- a0 -------------------> *
- ;;* *
- ;;* b b b b b b b b f f f f f f f m *
- ;;* a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a f *
- ;;* s s s s s s s s w w w w w w w *
- ;;* c *
- ;;* b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b o *
- ;;* i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i u *
- ;;* t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t n *
- ;;* t *
- ;;* 7 6 4 5 1 2 3 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 # *
- ;;* *
- ;;* # == count bits for frames 0,2,4,6 *
- ;;* count enable bit frame 8 *
- ;;* *
- ;;* The position of the BAS bits after state execution will be : *
- ;;* *
- ;;* <-------- Bas Erc Storage --------> *
- ;;* *
- ;;* b b b b b b b b *
- ;;* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a a a a a a a *
- ;;* s s s s s s s s *
- ;;* *
- ;;* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 3/9/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;***********************************************************************
- bas_for_erc move x:decoded_bas_ptr,r3 ; recall latest bas pointer
- move #crc_bit_sort,r0 ; next state
- clr a x:(r3)+,b ; clear a,
- ; get latest BAS word in b
- do #8,bas_re_org
- ror b ; BAS bit into carry and then
- rol a ; carry into a1 lsb
- bas_re_org move a1,x:bas_erc_store ; store rearranged bas data
- rts
- ;;***********************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* CRC Bit Sort Routine : This routine takes the CRC data *
- ;;* generated by the last CRC pass and sorts it into a form *
- ;;* which makes it easy to perform the comparison between this *
- ;;* data and the CRC bits transmitted in the next odd *
- ;;* submultiframe *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 12/9/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;***********************************************************************
- crc_bit_sort move x:rx_crc_data,a ; get latest local CRC data
- clr b ; clear b for storage
- asr4 a ; shift crc bits into 4 lsb's
- do #4,crc_bit_re_org
- ror a ; shift crc bit into carry and
- rol b ; then into b1 lsb
- crc_bit_re_org move b1,x:rx_crc_data ; store masked CRC data
- move #term_alarm_test,r0 ; Terminal alarm check state
- rts
- ;;***********************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* Terminal Alarm test state : This state tests bit 1 of *
- ;;* frame 14. If set then the transmitting terminal is in a *
- ;;* state of alarm. *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 1/10/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.2 *
- ;;* *
- ;;***********************************************************************
- term_alarm_test move x:bas_erc_faw_ptr,r3 ; restore pointer
- move x:rx_count_ptr,r2 ; compare count with that
- move #1135,x0 ; of the first bit in frame 14
- move x:(r2),b
- move #control_word,r2 ; control word pointer in r2
- cmp x0,b x:(r3)+,y0 ; update bas/erc/faw rx pointer
- bne <end_alarm_state ; If frame ref. count is
- ; not equal to 1135, exit state
- bfclr #$8000,x:(r2) ; default, clear alarm bit
- bftsth #$0001,y0 ; test alarm bit
- bcc <end_alarm_state ; no alarm then exit state
- bfset #$8000,x:(r2) ; there is an alarm so set
- ; the alarm bit
- end_alarm_state move #smf_odd_state,r0 ; all even state processing done ; go to odd submultiframe state
- move r3,x:bas_erc_faw_ptr ; store updated pointer
- rts
- ;;***********************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* SMF odd state routine : This routine is used to acquire *
- ;;* the odd frame H221 protocol data. The data is stored in a *
- ;;* location pointed to by a stored address value. *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 3/9/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;***********************************************************************
- smf_odd_state move x:rx_count_ptr,r2 ; restore pointers
- move x:bas_erc_faw_ptr,r3
- move x:isdn_count_rx,b ; current isdn count in b
- move x:ir,a ; current isdn rx byte in a
- move x:(r3),a0 ; current bas word in a0
- asr a x:(r2+9),x0 ; new H221 bit in old H221 word,
- ; end of odd H221 fm count in x0
- ; store new H221 data
- cmp x0,b a0,x:(r3)+ ; end of odd frame H221 bits ?
- blt <end_odd_state ; no, then branch
- move #control_word,r2 ; get control word ptr in r2
- move #faw_check_state,r0 ; H221 acquisition is complete,
- bfset #$1000,x:(r2) ; new state pointed to by r0
- ; set odd smf bit in control
- end_odd_state rts ; word
- ;;****************************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* Frame Alignment check state : this state checks the latest odd *
- ;;* and even frames for correct frame alignment. If three consecutive *
- ;;* alignment errors occur the search for frame alignment begins again *
- ;;* at bit_field_state_0. *
- ;;* *
- ;;* The position of the bits are ; *
- ;;* *
- ;;* msb <-------------------- a0 -------------------> *
- ;;* *
- ;;* b b b b b b b b f f f f f f f m *
- ;;* a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a f *
- ;;* s s s s s s s s w w w w w w w *
- ;;* c *
- ;;* b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b o *
- ;;* i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i u *
- ;;* t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t n *
- ;;* t *
- ;;* 7 6 4 5 1 2 3 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 # *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 4/9/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;****************************************************************************
- faw_check_state move x:bas_erc_faw_ptr,r2 ; restore pointer
- move x:faw_error_count,b ; faw error incremental counter
- ; in b
- inc24 b x:(r2-1),a ; increment faw error count as
- ; default & update ptr address
- bftsth #$00d8,a1 ; test even faw high bits
- bcc <faw_not_ok
- bftstl #$0026,a1 ; test even faw low bits
- bcc <faw_not_ok
- bftsth #$0002,x:(r2) ; test bit 2 in current odd
- bcc <faw_not_ok ; frame, if ok then pass
- clr b ; if faw ok, clear consecutive
- ; error count
- faw_not_ok move b,x:faw_error_count ; store new error count
- move #mf_align_chck_1,r0 ; default next state
- movei #3,x0
- cmp x0,b ; has error count reached 3 ?
- blt <not_3_consec ; if not, then pass
- move #bas_revert,r0 ; if 3 consecutive errors search
- ; for frame alignment begins
- not_3_consec rts ; again
- ;;****************************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* Multiframe Alignment Check Routine : This routine obtains *
- ;;* the multiframe alignment bits from each odd frame and after *
- ;;* completion, at the isdn reference count of #895, goes to state *
- ;;* mf_align_check2 to complete test for proper multiframe alignment. *
- ;;* If 3 consecutive alignment errors occur, the search for both frame *
- ;;* and multiframe alignment occurs once more in bit_field_state_0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 4/9/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;****************************************************************************
- mf_align_chck_1 move x:rx_count_ptr,r2
- move x:bas_erc_faw_ptr,r3 ; restore pointers
- move #erc_sort_state,r0 ; next state
- move x:(r3),a ; get latest H221 word
- move x:mf_align_wrd,a0 ; shift in the latest mf
- asr a x:(r2)+,b ; alignment bit into a0
- move a0,x:mf_align_wrd ; and update pointer
- move #815,x0 ; has complete multiframe
- cmp x0,b ; alignment word been
- bne <end_mf_check1 ; collected
- move #mf_align_chck_2,r0 ; new next state if compare
- ; true
- end_mf_check1 move r2,x:rx_count_ptr ; store updated pointer
- rts
- ;;***********************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* Multiframe error check routine : this routine compares the *
- ;;* received multiframe bits with the alignment signal and sets *
- ;;* the mf_align_bit in the control word appropriately. *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 12/9/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;***********************************************************************
- mf_align_chck_2 move #mf_error_count,r3
- move #erc_sort_state,r0 ; new next state
- move #control_word,r2 ; control word pointer in r2
- move x:(r3),b ; recall current multiframe
- ; error count
- move x:mf_align_wrd,a ; latest multiframe alignment
- inc24 b ; bits in a and increment error
- ; count for default
- bftsth #$d000,a1 ; test for correct alignment
- bcc <mf_align_error ; '1' bits
- bftstl #$2c00,a1 ; test for correct alignment
- bcc <mf_align_error ; '0' bits
- clr b ; if correct alignment then
- ; clear error count
- mf_align_error bfset #$4000,x:(r2) ; set multiframe alignment bit
- ; in control word as default
- movei #3,x0 ; test incremental error count
- cmp x0,b b,x:(r3)+n3 ; and save it
- blt <end_mf_state2 ; if 3 or more, reset alignment
- bfclr #$4000,x:(r2) ; if no alignment then clear
- move x0,x:(r3) ; alignment bit in control word
- ; & limit error count to 3
- end_mf_state2 rts
- ;;***********************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* Error Code Sort routine : This routine is used for *
- ;;* sorting the bit rate allocation signal error correcting *
- ;;* code. The position of the bits are : *
- ;;* *
- ;;* msb <--------------------- a0 --------------------> *
- ;;* *
- ;;* e e e e e e e e c c c c e b f m *
- ;;* r r r r r r r r r r r r r i a f *
- ;;* c c c c c c c c c c c c r t w *
- ;;* o a *
- ;;* b b b b b b b b b b b b r A b l *
- ;;* i i i i i i i i i i i i i i *
- ;;* t t t t t t t t t t t t b t g *
- ;;* i n *
- ;;* 7 6 5 3 4 0 1 2 4 3 2 1 t 8 # *
- ;;* *
- ;;* # == bit 1 of frames 1,3,5,7,9,11 *
- ;;* *
- ;;* The position of the BAS ERC bits before storage *
- ;;* will be : *
- ;;* *
- ;;* <------- Bas/Erc Storage --------> *
- ;;* *
- ;;* b b b b b b b b e e e e e e e e *
- ;;* a a a a a a a a r r r r r r r r *
- ;;* s s s s s s s s c c c c c c c c *
- ;;* *
- ;;* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 4/9/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;***********************************************************************
- erc_sort_state move x:bas_erc_faw_ptr,r3
- move x:bas_erc_store,a
- bftsth #$0400,x:(r3) ; erc bit 0 test
- rol a ; rotate carry into a1 lsb
- bftsth #$0200,x:(r3) ; erc bit 1 test
- rol a ; rotate carry into a1 lsb
- bftsth #$0100,x:(r3) ; erc bit 2 test
- rol a ; rotate carry into a1 lsb
- bftsth #$1000,x:(r3) ; erc bit 3 test
- rol a ; rotate carry into a1 lsb
- bftsth #$0800,x:(r3) ; erc bit 4 test
- rol a ; rotate carry into a1 lsb
- bftsth #$2000,x:(r3) ; erc bit 5 test
- rol a ; rotate carry into a1 lsb
- bftsth #$4000,x:(r3) ; erc bit 6 test
- rol a ; rotate carry into a1 lsb
- bftsth #$8000,x:(r3) ; erc bit 7 test
- rol a ; rotate carry into a1 lsb
- move a1,x:bas_erc_store ; re-store rearranged
- ; bas/erc data
- move #crc_sort_2,r0 ; next state
- rts
- ;;***************************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* CRC Sort 2 routine : This routine is used to sort the received *
- ;;* CRC bits in the odd frames prior to comparing with the locally *
- ;;* generated CRC bits. The position of the latest isdn bits are : *
- ;;* *
- ;;* msb <--------------------- a0 --------------------> *
- ;;* *
- ;;* e e e e e e e e c c c c e b f m *
- ;;* r r r r r r r r r r r r r i a f *
- ;;* c c c c c c c c c c c c r t w *
- ;;* o a *
- ;;* b b b b b b b b b b b b r A b l *
- ;;* i i i i i i i i i i i i i i *
- ;;* t t t t t t t t t t t t b t g *
- ;;* i n *
- ;;* 7 6 5 3 4 0 1 2 4 3 2 1 t 8 # *
- ;;* * *
- ;;* # == bit 1 of frames 1,3,5,7,9,11 *
- ;;* * == msb *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 14/9/90 *
- ;;* version ; 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;***************************************************************************
- crc_sort_2 move x:bas_erc_faw_ptr,r3
- move #crc_en_disen_state,r0 ; next state
- move x:(r3),a ; latest isdn received data
- asr4 a ; shift crc bits into lsb's
- movei #15,x0 ; mask in x0
- and x0,a ; clear unnecessary bits
- move a1,x:crc_sorted ; save sorted crc bits
- rts
- ;;*****************************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* CRC disable/enable check state : This state checks the received *
- ;;* CRC bits for disabling or enabling before entering the CRC test state.*
- ;;* The position of the latest isdn bits are : *
- ;;* *
- ;;* msb <--------------------- a0 --------------------> *
- ;;* *
- ;;* e e e e e e e e c c c c e b f m *
- ;;* r r r r r r r r r r r r r i a f *
- ;;* c c c c c c c c c c c c r t w *
- ;;* o a *
- ;;* b b b b b b b b b b b b r A b l *
- ;;* i i i i i i i i i i i i i i *
- ;;* t t t t t t t t t t t t b t g *
- ;;* i n *
- ;;* 7 6 5 3 4 0 1 2 4 3 2 1 t 8 # *
- ;;* * *
- ;;* # == bit 1 of frames 1,3,5,7,9,11 *
- ;;* * == msb *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 14/9/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;*****************************************************************************
- crc_en_disen_state move #control_word,r2
- move x:bas_erc_faw_ptr,r3
- bftsth #$0400,x:(r2)
- bcs <crc_enabled
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- move #crc_test_count,r0 ; crc count pointer in r0
- move x:crc_enable_cnt,b ; get latest crc enabling count
- inc24 b b0,x:(r0)+ ; inc it & clear crc test count
- clr a b0,x:(r0)+ ; clear a & crc error count
- bftsth #$00f0,x:(r3) ; all crc bits received '1' ?
- tcs a,b ; yes, crc still disabled
- ; ==> clear b
- move b,x:crc_enable_cnt ; store modified disable count
- move #error_calc_1,r0 ; next state
- movei #2,y1
- cmp y1,b ; has the count reached 2 ?
- blt <end_check_state ; no, then do nothing, crc not
- ; enabled.
- bfset #$0400,x:(r2) ; yes, set crc enabled bit in
- move b0,x:crc_enable_cnt ; control word & clear enbl cnt
- move #crc_test_state,r0 ; new next state
- bra <end_check_state ; now finish state
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- crc_enabled move #crc_test_state,r0 ; default next state
- move x:crc_disable_cnt,b ; get latest crc disable count
- inc24 b b0,y0 ; increment it, set y0 to 0
- bftsth #$00f0,x:(r3) ; test crc bits for disable
- tcc y0,b ; some '0's received ? yes
- ; then clear disable count
- move b,x:crc_disable_cnt ; store the modified reference
- movei #8,y1
- cmp y1,b ; count, has it reached 8 ?
- blt <end_check_state ; if not then exit state
- move #error_calc_1,r0 ; if yes, then new next state,
- bfclr #$0c00,x:(r2) ; set crc disabled bit in
- move b0,x:crc_disable_cnt ; control word, clear rx error
- ; bit & crc disable count.
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- end_check_state rts
- ;;***********************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* CRC test state : This state is used to compare the received *
- ;;* CRC data with that generated locally. It also calculates the *
- ;;* number of errors received in the last 100 blocks. If this *
- ;;* number exceeds 89 then the search for frame alignment is *
- ;;* re-initiated from bit_field_state_0. *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 14/9/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;***********************************************************************
- crc_test_state move #crc_test_count,r2 ; **** x memory partitiion ****
- move #error_calc_1,r0 ;
- move #control_word,r3 ; crc_test_count ds 1
- ; crc_error_count ds 1
- ; end_count dc 100
- ; test_error_count dc 89
- ; crc_sorted ds 1
- ;
- ;******************************
- move x:(r2+4),b ; get latest received crc bits
- move x:rx_crc_data,x0 ; get latest locally generated
- ; crc bits
- bfclr #$0800,x:(r3) ; clear crc error flag in
- ; control word as default
- cmp x0,b x:(r2+1),a ; crc_error_count in a
- beq <crc_ok ; compare both sets of crc bits
- ; if the same then, O.K.
- bfset #$0800,x:(r3) ; if different, set crc error
- inc24 a ; flag in control word and
- ; increment error count
- crc_ok move x:(r2),b ; get latest crc test count
- inc24 b a,x:(r2+1) ; increment it, and store
- ; latest updated error count
- move x:(r2+2),x0 ; & max. reference count in x0
- cmp x0,b b,x:(r2)+n2 ; compare current count with
- blt <crc_check_done ; max. and store updated count
- move a0,x:(r2) ; clear test count
- move x:(r2+3),x0 ; get error compare value of 89
- cmp x0,a a0,x:(r2+1) ; compare actual error count
- ble <crc_check_done ; with stored max. & reset
- ; error count
- move #bas_revert,r0 ; if the actual error count is
- ; > 89 then start search for
- crc_check_done rts ; frame alignment once more.
- ;;****************************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* Error Calc State 1 : This state takes the latest *
- ;;* rearranged bas data and calculates the ERROR bits from transmission *
- ;;* The structure used is as indicated below : *
- ;;* *
- ;;* b b b b b b b b e e e e e e e e *
- ;;* a a a a a a a a r r r r r r r r *
- ;;* y y y y y y y y s s s s s s s s c c c c c c c c *
- ;;* *
- ;;* 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 *
- ;;* *
- ;;* <---- a1 ----> <--------------- a0 ---------------> *
- ;;* *
- ;;* For the correct polynomial division (i.e. generator polynomial *
- ;;* g(x) == x8 + x7 + x6 + x4 + x2 + x + 1) the equations required are *
- ;;* *
- ;;* + == modulo 2 addition @ y1 == y8 + bas 0 *
- ;;* @ == next clock value @ y2 == y8 + y1 *
- ;;* y8 == output @ y3 == y8 + y2 *
- ;;* @ y5 == y8 + y4 *
- ;;* @ y7 == y8 + y6 *
- ;;* @ y8 == y8 + y7 *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 2/10/90 & 12/10/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 & 1.1 *
- ;;* *
- ;;****************************************************************************
- error_calc_1 move #bas_erc_store,r2
- move #error_calc_2,r0
- move r2,x:(r2+7) ; store pointer
- move x:(r2),a ; set up a accumulator for erc
- ; bit evaluation
- move a0,x:(r2+4) ; clear reference count
- move a0,x:(r2+5) ; store a accumulator set-up
- move a1,x:(r2+6) ; for next state
- rts
- error_calc_2 move x:r2_temp_2,r2 ; recall pointer
- ; The storage structure used
- ; for this routine is as below
- ; ******************************
- ;
- ; bas_erc_store ds 1
- ; mask dc $00d7
- ; error_ref_val dc 0
- ; dc 16
- ; count_check ds 1
- ; temp_error ds 2
- ; r2_temp_2 ds 1
- ; error_store ds 1
- ;
- ;*******************************
- clr a ; clear accumulators for loop
- clr b x:(r2+1),x0 ; load generator polynomial mask
- ; into x0
- move x:(r2+5),a1 ; restore crc division data into
- move x:(r2+6),a0 ; accumulator a
- bfclr #$0080,a1 ; test last output bit, result
- tcc x0,b ; sets current mask in b.
- asl a b,y1 ; shift crc before eor'ing, and
- ; new mask in y1
- eor y1,a x:(r2+4),b ; update crc storage bits and
- ; get loop count value in b
- move x:(r2+3),y0 ; max. loop count of 16 in y0
- move a1,x:(r2+5) ; store crc division data into
- ; memory
- inc24 b a0,x:(r2+6) ; inc. loop count, compare with
- cmp y0,b b,x:(r2+4) ; max. and save updated count
- blt <end_error_calc ; if not complete, repeat state
- move a1,x:(r2+8) ; store calculated ERC bits
- move #bas_error_fix_1,r0 ; new next state pointer
- end_error_calc rts
- ;;***********************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* BAS Error Correct Routines : These routines take *
- ;;* the error correcting data generated from the last routine *
- ;;* and subsequently correct the latest received BAS signal. *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 2/10/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;***********************************************************************
- bas_error_fix_1 move #single_error,r0 ; single error check remainders
- move x:error_store,b ; latest error remainder result
- clr a b,y0 ; clear a for loop, ensure y0 is
- ; not empty if error present
- tst b x:(r0)+,x0 ; check for received errors and
- beq <no_bas_error ; load first ref. in x0 whilst
- ; updating remainder pointer
- do #8,bas_fix_lp_1 ; repeat loop for all possible
- ; single error remainders
- cmp x0,b x:(r0)+,x0 ; check for remainder equality
- ; and get new remainder in x0
- teq y0,a r0,r2 ; if equal make sure a is not
- ; cleared and store remainder
- ; pointer value
- bas_fix_lp_1 move #bas_error_fix_2,r0 ; default next state
- tst a x:(r2+6),a ; has error been located ?
- ; put error correct mask in a
- beq <end_check_1 ; if a is clear error not found
- ; go to next search state
- no_bas_error move #bas_valid_tst_0,r0 ; no error or error found
- ; then next state is this
- move a1,x:error_mask ; store relevant error correct
- ; mask
- end_check_1 rts
- ;;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- bas_error_fix_2 move #double_error_0,r0 ; double error check remainders
- move x:error_store,b ; latest error remainder result
- clr a b,y0 ; clear a for loop and ensure
- ; y0 is not empty.
- move x:(r0)+,x0 ; load first ref. in x0 whilst
- ; updating the remainder pointer
- do #7,bas_fix_lp_2 ; repeat loop for all possible
- ; single error remainders
- cmp x0,b x:(r0)+,x0 ; check for remainder equality
- ; and put new remainder in x0
- teq y0,a r0,r2 ; if equal, make sure a is not
- ; cleared and store remainder
- ; pointer value
- bas_fix_lp_2 move #bas_error_fix_3,r0 ; default next state
- tst a x:(r2+5),a ; has error been located ?
- ; put error correct mask in a
- beq <end_check_2 ; if a is clear, error not found
- ; go to next search state
- move #bas_valid_tst_0,r0 ; a has data, error fix next
- ; state
- move a1,x:error_mask ; store relevant error correct ; mask
- end_check_2 rts
- ;;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- bas_error_fix_3 move #double_error_1,r0 ; double error check remainders
- move x:error_store,b ; latest error remainder result
- clr a b,y0 ; clear a for loop and ensure y0
- ; is not empty.
- move x:(r0)+,x0 ; load first ref. in x0 whilst
- ; updating the remainder pointer
- do #7,bas_fix_lp_3 ; repeat loop for all possible
- ; single error remainders
- cmp x0,b x:(r0)+,x0 ; check for remainder equality
- ; and get new remainder in x0
- teq y0,a r0,r2 ; if equal, make sure a is not
- ; cleared and store remainder
- ; pointer value
- bas_fix_lp_3 move #bas_error_fix_4,r0 ; default next state
- tst a x:(r2+5),a ; has error been located ?
- ; put error correct mask in a
- beq <end_check_3 ; if a is clear, error not found
- ; go to next search state
- move #bas_valid_tst_0,r0 ; a has data, error fix next
- ; state
- move a1,x:error_mask ; store relevant error correct ; mask
- end_check_3 rts
- ;;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- bas_error_fix_4 move #double_error_2,r0 ; double error check remainders
- move x:error_store,b ; latest error remainder result
- clr a b,y0 ; clear a for loop and ensure y0
- ; is not empty.
- move x:(r0)+,x0 ; load first ref. in x0 whilst
- ; updating the remainder pointer
- do #7,bas_fix_lp_4 ; repeat loop for all possible
- ; single error remainders
- cmp x0,b x:(r0)+,x0 ; check for remainder equality
- ; and get new remainder in x0
- teq y0,a r0,r2 ; if equal, make sure a is not
- ; cleared and store remainder
- ; pointer value
- bas_fix_lp_4 move #bas_error_fix_5,r0 ; default next state
- tst a x:(r2+5),a ; has error been located ?
- ; get error correct mask in a
- beq <end_check_4 ; if a is clear, error not found
- ; go to next search state
- move #bas_valid_tst_0,r0 ; a has data, error fix next
- ; state
- move a1,x:error_mask ; store relevant error correct ; mask
- end_check_4 rts
- ;;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- bas_error_fix_5 move #double_error_3,r0 ; double error check remainders
- move x:error_store,b ; latest error remainder result
- clr a b,y0 ; clear a for loop and ensure y0
- ; is not empty.
- move x:(r0)+,x0 ; load first ref. in x0 whilst
- ; updating the remainder pointer
- do #7,bas_fix_lp_5 ; repeat loop for every possible
- ; single error remainder
- cmp x0,b x:(r0)+,x0 ; check for remainder equality
- ; and get new remainder in x0
- teq y0,a r0,r2 ; if equal, make sure a is not
- ; cleared and store remainder
- ; pointer value
- bas_fix_lp_5 move #bas_error_fix_6,r0 ; default next state
- tst a x:(r2+5),a ; has error been located ?
- ; put error correct mask in a
- beq <end_check_5 ; if a is clear, error not found
- ; go to next search state
- move #bas_valid_tst_0,r0 ; a has data, error fix next
- ; state
- move a1,x:error_mask ; store relevant error correct ; mask
- end_check_5 rts
- ;;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- bas_error_fix_6 move #error_0001_mask,r0 ; single error check remainders
- move x:error_store,b ; latest error remainder result
- clr a x:(r0)+,y0 ; clear a for loop and ensure y0 ; contains the error mask.
- move x:(r0)+,x0 ; load first ref. in x0 whilst
- ; updating the remainder pointer
- do #8,bas_fix_lp_6 ; repeat loop for all possible
- ; single error remainders
- cmp x0,b x:(r0)+,x0 ; check for remainder equality
- ; and get new remainder in x0
- teq y0,a ; if equal, correction mask in a
- bas_fix_lp_6 move #bas_error_fix_7,r0 ; default next state
- tst a ; has error been located ?
- beq <end_check_6 ; if a is clear, error not found
- ; go to next search state
- move #bas_valid_tst_0,r0 ; a has data, error fix next
- ; state
- move a1,x:error_mask ; store relevant error correct ; mask
- end_check_6 rts
- ;;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- bas_error_fix_7 move #error_0002_mask,r0 ; single error check remainders
- move x:error_store,b ; latest error remainder result
- clr a x:(r0)+,y0 ; clear a for loop and ensure y0 ; contains the error mask.
- move x:(r0)+,x0 ; load first ref. in x0 whilst
- ; updating the remainder pointer
- do #8,bas_fix_lp_7 ; repeat loop for all possible
- ; single error remainder
- cmp x0,b x:(r0)+,x0 ; check for remainder equality
- ; and get new remainder in x0
- teq y0,a ; if equal, correction mask in a
- bas_fix_lp_7 move #bas_error_fix_8,r0 ; default next state
- tst a ; has error been located ?
- beq <end_check_7 ; if a is clear, error not found
- ; go to next search state
- move #bas_valid_tst_0,r0 ; a has data, error fix next
- ; state
- move a1,x:error_mask ; store relevant error correct ; mask
- end_check_7 rts
- ;;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- bas_error_fix_8 move #error_0004_mask,r0 ; single error check remainders
- move x:error_store,b ; latest error remainder result
- clr a x:(r0)+,y0 ; clear a for loop and ensure y0 ; contains the error mask.
- move x:(r0)+,x0 ; load first ref. in x0 whilst
- ; updating the remainder pointer
- do #8,bas_fix_lp_8 ; repeat loop for all possible
- ; single error remainders
- cmp x0,b x:(r0)+,x0 ; check for remainder equality
- ; and get new remainder in x0
- teq y0,a ; if equal, correction mask in a
- bas_fix_lp_8 move #bas_error_fix_9,r0 ; default next state
- tst a ; has error been located ?
- beq <end_check_8 ; if a is clear, error not found
- ; go to next search state
- move #bas_valid_tst_0,r0 ; a has data, error fix next
- ; state
- move a1,x:error_mask ; store relevant error correct ; mask
- end_check_8 rts
- ;;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- bas_error_fix_9 move #error_0008_mask,r0 ; single error check remainders
- move x:error_store,b ; latest error remainder result
- clr a x:(r0)+,y0 ; clear a for loop and ensure y0 ; contains the error mask.
- move x:(r0)+,x0 ; load first ref. in x0 whilst
- ; updating the remainder pointer
- do #8,bas_fix_lp_9 ; repeat loop for all possible
- ; single error remainders
- cmp x0,b x:(r0)+,x0 ; check for remainder equality
- ; and get new remainder in x0
- teq y0,a ; if equal, correction mask in a
- bas_fix_lp_9 move #bas_err_fix_10,r0 ; default next state
- tst a ; has error been located ?
- beq <end_check_9 ; if a is clear, error not found
- ; go to next search state
- move #bas_valid_tst_0,r0 ; a has data, error fix next
- ; state
- move a1,x:error_mask ; store relevant error correct ; mask
- end_check_9 rts
- ;;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- bas_err_fix_10 move #error_0010_mask,r0 ; single error check remainders
- move x:error_store,b ; latest error remainder result
- clr a x:(r0)+,y0 ; clear a for loop and ensure y0 ; contains the error mask.
- move x:(r0)+,x0 ; load first ref. in x0 whilst
- ; updating the remainder pointer
- do #8,bas_fix_lp_10 ; repeat loop for every possible
- ; single error remainder
- cmp x0,b x:(r0)+,x0 ; check for remainder equality
- ; and get new remainder in x0
- teq y0,a ; if equal, correction mask in a
- bas_fix_lp_10 move #bas_err_fix_11,r0 ; default next state
- tst a ; has error been located ?
- beq <end_check_10 ; if a is clear, error not found
- ; go to next search state
- move #bas_valid_tst_0,r0 ; a has data, error fix next
- ; state
- move a1,x:error_mask ; store relevant error correct ; mask
- end_check_10 rts
- ;;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- bas_err_fix_11 move #error_0020_mask,r0 ; single error check remainders
- move x:error_store,b ; latest error remainder result
- clr a x:(r0)+,y0 ; clear a for loop and ensure y0 ; contains the error mask.
- move x:(r0)+,x0 ; load first ref. in x0 whilst
- ; updating the remainder pointer
- do #8,bas_fix_lp_11 ; repeat loop for every possible
- ; single error remainder
- cmp x0,b x:(r0)+,x0 ; check for remainder equality
- ; and get new remainder in x0
- teq y0,a ; if equal, correction mask in a
- bas_fix_lp_11 move #bas_err_fix_12,r0 ; default next state
- tst a ; has error been located ?
- beq <end_check_11 ; if a is clear, error not found
- ; go to next search state
- move #bas_valid_tst_0,r0 ; a has data, error fix next
- ; state
- move a1,x:error_mask ; store relevant error correct ; mask
- end_check_11 rts
- ;;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- bas_err_fix_12 move #error_0040_mask,r0 ; single error check remainders
- move x:error_store,b ; latest error remainder result
- clr a x:(r0)+,y0 ; clear a for loop and ensure y0 ; contains the error mask.
- move x:(r0)+,x0 ; load first ref. in x0 whilst
- ; updating the remainder pointer
- do #8,bas_fix_lp_12 ; repeat loop for every possible
- ; single error remainder
- cmp x0,b x:(r0)+,x0 ; check for remainder equality
- ; and get new remainder in x0
- teq y0,a ; if equal, correction mask in a
- bas_fix_lp_12 move #bas_err_fix_13,r0 ; default next state
- tst a ; has error been located ?
- beq <end_check_12 ; if a is clear, error not found
- ; go to next search state
- move #bas_valid_tst_0,r0 ; a has data, error fix next
- ; state
- move a1,x:error_mask ; store relevant error correct ; mask
- end_check_12 rts
- ;;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- bas_err_fix_13 move #control_word,r2
- move #error_0080_mask,r0 ; single error check remainders
- move x:error_store,b ; latest error remainder result
- clr a x:(r0)+,y0 ; clear a for loop and ensure y0 ; contains the error mask.
- move x:(r0)+,x0 ; load first ref. in x0 whilst
- ; updating the remainder pointer
- do #8,bas_fix_lp_13 ; repeat loop for every possible
- ; single error remainder
- cmp x0,b x:(r0)+,x0 ; check for remainder equality
- ; and get new remainder in x0
- teq y0,a ; if equal, correction mask in a
- bas_fix_lp_13 move #bas_valid_tst_0,r0 ; default next state
- bfset #$0020,x:(r2) ; default BAS correct indicator
- ; in control word
- move a1,x:error_mask ; store relevant error correct ; mask
- tst a ; has error been located ?
- bne <end_check_13 ; if a is clear, error not found
- move #bas_fix_end,r0
- bfclr #$0020,x:(r2) ; and current BAS is invalid
- end_check_13 rts
- ;;*****************************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* Multiframe and Frame alignment test states : This state *
- ;;* is used to check whether the latest received and decoded BAS signal *
- ;;* should be validated. In order to do this we must check for frame and *
- ;;* multiframe alignment and that the Frame alignment signal in the same *
- ;;* submultiframe has fewer than 2 bits in error. If either of these *
- ;;* conditions are not met then the current decoded BAS is ignored. *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 4/10/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;*****************************************************************************
- bas_valid_tst_0 move x:bas_erc_faw_ptr,r2 ; get latest H221 word pointer
- move #bas_valid_tst_1,r0 ; next state
- clr b x:(r2-1),x0 ; clear b and y for state and
- tfr3 b,y0 x:(r2)+,x1 ; get EVEN frame H221 word,
- ; and update pointer
- bftstl #$0002,x0 ; faw bit 0, should be low
- adc y,b ; add carry to correct bit count
- bftstl #$0004,x0 ; faw bit 1, should be low
- adc y,b ; add carry to correct bit count
- bftsth #$0008,x0 ; faw bit 2, should be high
- adc y,b ; add carry to correct bit count
- bftsth #$0010,x0 ; faw bit 3, should be high
- adc y,b ; add carry to correct bit count
- bftstl #$0020,x0 ; faw bit 4, should be low
- adc y,b ; add carry to correct bit count
- bftsth #$0040,x0 ; faw bit 5, should be high
- adc y,b ; add carry to correct bit count
- bftsth #$0080,x0 ; faw bit 6, should be high
- adc y,b ; add carry to correct bit count
- bftsth #$0002,x1 ; faw bit 7, should be high
- adc y,b ; add carry to correct bit count
- move b0,x:faw_true_bit_cnt ; store the correct bit count
- move r2,x:bas_erc_faw_ptr ; store updated pointer
- rts
- bas_valid_tst_1 move #control_word,r2 ; get control word
- move #bas_fix_end,r0 ; next state
- bfclr #$0020,x:(r2) ; set BAS invalid indicator
- ; in control word
- move x:faw_true_bit_cnt,b ; get the correct bit count in b
- movei #6,x0 ; is correct bit count greater
- cmp x0,b ; than or equal to 6 ?
- ble <bas_invalid ; if less than 6 then bas is
- ; invalid.
- bftsth #$6000,x:(r2) ; test for frame AND multiframe
- bcc <bas_invalid ; alignment, branch if not OK
- bfset #$0020,x:(r2) ; set BAS valid indicator
- bas_invalid rts
- ;;***********************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* BAS Fix End State : This state checks the *
- ;;* control word for whether the BAS invalid flag is asserted *
- ;;* and subsequently either updates the latest decoded BAS *
- ;;* signal or ignores the current received BAS as a result. *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 12/10/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;***********************************************************************
- bas_fix_end move #smf_state_0,r0 ; next state
- move x:control_word,x1 ; if the current received bas
- bftsth #$0020,x1 ; is not valid then do nothing
- bcc <bas_not_true
- move x:decoded_bas_ptr,r3 ; recall current BAS pointer
- move m3,x:decoded_bas_ptr ; save current m3 value
- move #7,m3 ; modulo 8 buffer
- move x:error_mask,x0 ; get error mask
- move x:(r3),b ; get latest decoded BAS
- eor x0,b ; change incorrect bits in
- move b1,x:(r3)+ ; received bas, store and update
- ; pointer
- move x:decoded_bas_ptr,m3 ; restore m3 value
- move r3,x:decoded_bas_ptr ; BAS pointer for next time and
- ; store new value
- bas_not_true rts
- ;;***************************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* BAS Revert State : The function of this state is *
- ;;* to reset the latest decoded BAS word to its 3'rd previous value *
- ;;* after frame alignment has been lost. *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 4/10/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;***************************************************************************
- bas_revert move x:decoded_bas_ptr,r3 ; last decoded BAS pointer
- move m3,x:decoded_bas_ptr ; store current value of r3
- move #7,m3 ; set m3 for modulo 8 addressing
- ; i.e. 8 word circular buffer
- move #bf_state_0,r0 ; next state
- lea (r3)-,r3 ; set decoded BAS(n) to BAS(n-1)
- ; as last valid BAS pointer
- move x:decoded_bas_ptr,m3 ; restore last m3 register value
- move r3,x:decoded_bas_ptr ; 3'rd last decoded BAS word
- rts
- ;;***************************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* CRC performance check for the ISDN 64 kbps channel *
- ;;* Data structure used ; *
- ;;* *
- ;;* | a1 | a1 | a0 | *
- ;;* *
- ;;* 0 0 0 y x xd1xd2xd3xd4xd5xd6xd7 x xd1xd2xd3xd4xd5xd6xd7 *
- ;;* * * *
- ;;* output states penultimate ISDN data last data rx *
- ;;* y ir(N-1) ir(N) *
- ;;* *
- ;;* d == single state delay *
- ;;* * == bits to be x'ored *
- ;;* y4 == output and crc result msb *
- ;;* @ == after next clock i.e. next left shift *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Equations governing the crc operation are as below : *
- ;;* *
- ;;* @ x == y + xd1 *
- ;;* @ xd3 == y + xd4 *
- ;;* *
- ;;* The CRC equation for the ISDN line check is : *
- ;;* *
- ;;* y(d)/x(d) == g(d) == d4/(1+d+d4) *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 27/9/90 *
- ;;* 29/4/91 *
- ;;* Version : 1.8 *
- ;;* 1.9 *
- ;;* *
- ;;***************************************************************************
- ;; Optimised storage set_up : isdn_count_rx ds 1
- ;; rx_crc_store ds 1
- ;; dc 0
- ;; dc 8
- ;; ir_shft ds 1
- ;; rx_crc_value_2 dc 12
- ;; dc $0090
- ;; rx_crc_data ds 1
- crc_rx move #isdn_count_rx,r3 ; optimised storage pointer
- move x:rx_crc_cnt_ptr,r2 ; crc count comparison pointer
- move x:(r3)+,b ; current isdn count in b
- move x:(r3)+,a ; last crc storage value in a
- move x:(r3)+,y0 ; zero ref. count in y0
- move x:(r2)+n2,x1 x:(r3)+,x0 ; current reference count in x1
- ; default loop count in x0
- cmp x1,b x:(r2+50),x1 ; first byte of new smf ?
- ; last byte of smf, count in x1
- bne <rx_smf_not_done
- cmp y0,b x:(r2)+,y1 ; first byte of multiframe ?
- ; update reference counter in y1
- bne <rx_cnt_not_zero ; no, then branch
- move #crc_count,r2 ; yes, restore count pointer,
- rx_cnt_not_zero move a1,x:rx_crc_data ; store final crc result,
- move x:ir,a ; isdn data in a1 lower byte
- ; this provides the d4 multiply
- bra <crc_loop_rx ; function in crc generator eqn.
- ; wait for next intrupt for crc
- rx_smf_not_done move x:(r3)+,a0 ; new isdn data in here to a0
- move x:(r2+34),y1 ; crc bit rx, lower window count
- cmp y1,b x:(r2+42),y1 ; current isdn count in window ?
- blt <out_window_rx ; no, then branch
- cmp y1,b ; current isdn count in window ?
- bgt <out_window_rx ; no, then branch
- bfclr #$0100,a0 ; if in window, clear last isdn
- ; rx lsb before executing crc
- out_window_rx cmp x1,b x:(r3)+,y0 ; last count in present block ?
- ; update pointer for next time.
- tne x0,b ; appropriate loop count
- teq y0,b ; in b1
- swap b ; loop count in b0
- tfr3 b,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ; clear y0 for crc loop,
- ; crc mask 2 in x0
- do b0,crc_loop_rx ; do loop b0 times
- bfclr #$0080,a1 ; test last output,
- tcc x0,b ; set mask as a result of test
- asl a b,y1 ; mask in y1, shift bits for eor
- eor y1,a y0,b ; perform modulo 2 of a1 bits
- ; and clear b
- crc_loop_rx move a1,x:rx_crc_store ; save CRC data for next rx
- move r2,x:rx_crc_cnt_ptr ; save reference count pointer
- rts
- nolist